IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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CAPE-Twiggs-CubeSat Updated: 20 Aug 2024   Responsible Operator Garth Likens KJ5GYK
Supporting Organisation University of Louisiana Lafayette  
Contact Person garth.likens@louisiana.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: A 3U CubeSat mission. The mission is for beginners in satellite technology to design, build, and operate satellites in LEO. Each school will form satellite clubs that will design, build a satellite, and build a ground station to assist in its operations. Each ground station will have an FCC license to transmit RF signals. The club sponsor may be a teacher whose primary job is teaching and dedicates minimal time to the club. This applicant is fully aware of the requirements of FCC rule 97,273 and obtains coordination and FCC approvals on the past CAPE I, II, and III missions. Proposing a UHF downlink using chirp spread spectrum using LoRa format. Planning a NASA ELaNa launch in 2026 below the ISS orbit.
Application Date: 13 Aug 2024   Freq coordination completed on

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