IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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SpaceTeamSat1 Updated: 26 Aug 2024   Responsible Operator Jakob Riepler OE1JMW
Supporting Organisation TU Wien Space Team  
Contact Person jakob+iaru@chaosfield.at.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U CubeSat mission. Our mission aims to get undergraduate students interested in space technologies, RF and amateur radio. Our satellite is equipped with a range of sensors connected to a common Raspberry Pi compute module, which runs code written by participating students (which is not in charge of control and communication on the CubeSat). We also encourage them, whereas pilot schools already did, to build their own ground station (on base of SatNOGS) to be able to directly receive data from the CubeSat without going through our ground station. If they have a teacher with an amateur radio license, they may also directly transmit their educational payload. Moreover, these ground stations shall be used over the scope of this mission to gather satellite data. The mission will contribute: - by getting young people interested in space, RF and amateur radio, - by creating well documented, completely open source and open hardware components usable by further amateur missions - and by creating knowledge and documentation about amateur satellites (on both a technical and organizational level) as a reference for other amateurs, students and interested people. Young amateurs and students accompanied by an amateur operator will be able to – in coordination with us – upload and schedule their code themselves. We also plan on opening timeslots where the CubeSat acts as a data relay for amateur operators. The targets of 1.56 and 1.57 will inherently be covered within the educational mission of the CubeSat mission. Proposing a UHF downlink with multiple modes available from CW to up to 115200 baud using 2GFSK. Planning a launch from Andoya in Norway into a 500 km 97.4 degree polar orbit. NET 21st December 2024. More info at https://spaceteam.at/ **A downlink on 437.395 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 04 Jun 2024   Freq coordination completed on 26 Aug 2024

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