IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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GASRATS Updated: 22 May 2024   Responsible Operator Ethan Wayland KK7SRT
Supporting Organisation Utah State University Get Away Special Team  
Contact Person Coordinator@gas.usu.edu  
Headline Details: A 3U CubeSat. The Get Away Special Radio and Antenna Transparency Satellite GASRATS Mission is twofold. First, test an optically transparent S-band patch antenna. The innovative antenna design mounts on top of one of the satellite’s solar panels. We will test receiving telemetry and mission data down over S-band using this antenna. Second, ignite excitement for aerospace and amateur radio within Utah students. We will visit many Utah elementary, junior high, and high schools both in-person and virtually and explain our mission. We will also collect the names of students who would like to participate, and laser engrave their names on silicon/aluminum wafers onboard the satellite, to increase awareness of the GAS team and excitement for participation in amateur radio and in the aerospace field for Utah students. GASRATS will break ground in the amateur S-band. The patch antenna will provide order-of-magnitude improvements in cost as well as making power budgets easier for S-band CubeSats. The GAS Team will share data about the design and manufacturing process of the S-band design once our research is complete, enabling other amateur missions to add homegrown S-band capabilities to their mission. The GAS Team will work with the amateur community to participate in outreach efforts to Utah students; together we will educate students about amateur radio and inspire them to participate. Our ground station (N7GAS) has an excellent record as an amateur-accessible station on the SATNOGS network – amateur radio operators all over the world can schedule passes using our satellite and freely access data we receive. As part of the GASRATS mission, we will add S-band capabilities to our ground station and make these accessible to amateurs all around the world. All mission code and telemetry schemes will be posted to GitHub, allowing amateurs to build off the foundation we are creating in GASRATS. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 2GFSK and S Band 9k6 BPSK with CCSDS Space Packet Protocol. Planning a launch from Cape Canaveral in July 2026 to the ISS for eventual deployment. More info at https://www.usu.edu/physics/gas/
Application Date: 15 May 2024   Freq coordination completed on

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