IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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SPIRONE Updated: 23 May 2024   Responsible Operator O-Jong Kim 6K0FX
Supporting Organisation Sejong University - Space Systems & Navigation Laboratory  
Contact Person ojong@sejong.ac.kr.nospam  
Headline Details: A 2U CubeSat. (Primary mission) 1. Using an IR camera array, it detects marine plastic and takes pictures. (Secondary mission) 2. The satellite will act as a transponder, receiving signals from the ground station and transmitting them via the S-band. 1. Globally, marine plastic has become an issue that can no longer be ignored. SPIRONE will be able to contribute to the understanding of garbage distribution for the collection of marine plastic. And the data collected by satellite will be helpful in cleaning up marine debris. 2. SPIRONE broadcast beacon signals modulated by GMSK on UHF. It can be used for amateur radio communication training. 3. Our CubeSat will act as a transponder, transmitting signals received from ground stations on the S-band. The protocols for the transponder will be made public after the initial evaluation of its in-orbit operation. Ground stations with S-band receiving capabilities can also receive S-band signals. Proposing a 9k6 AX25 GMSK downlink on UHF and an S-Band downlink using either 1.032 MHz rate CDMA or 500 bps (adjustable) BPSK. Planning a launch from Naro Space Center, Republic of Korea. in May 2025 together with K-HERO, INHA RoSAT, GBSAT, SNUGLITE-3, CPSat into a 600 km SSO. See https://ae.sejong.ac.kr/page/sub4_2 **More info has been requested from the group** ** Downlinks on 436.650 MHz and 2425.100 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 23 May 2024   Freq coordination completed on

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