IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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POQUITO Updated: 15 Jan 2024   Responsible Operator Konstantinos Kanavouras SV2SVZ
Supporting Organisation University of Luxembourg  
Contact Person konstantinos.kanavouras@uni.lu.nospam  
Headline Details: POQUITO is an educational mission developed by masters and doctoral students from the University of Luxembourg to 1) fly a PocketQube in low Earth orbit, 2) perform the inter-satellite communication between a ChipSat and a PocketQube via LED in visible light, and 3) transmit a CW beacon to Earth to promote the Luxembourgish space activities for radio amateurs. 5.5 Explain in plain text how your mission(s) complies with provisions no. 1.56, 1.57 and 25 (see Annex 1); how will your mission contribute to the advancement of the amateur satellite service; and how will amateur operators around the globe be able to participate in your mission, besides just receiving the satellite telemetry? Picosatellite missions have a high potential in space thanks to their short development time and accessibility for non-profit communities. With POQUITO, radio amateurs and university students will have the opportunity to work on the end-to-end development of a space mission. Radio amateurs will be able to receive the POQUITO beacon signal. POQUITO is based on the open-source QUBIK platform by the Libre Space Foundation (https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/qubik/), whose TM and TC interfaces are already public (https://librespacefoundation.gitlab.io/qubik/qubik-docs/command.html). POQUITO iterates on QUBIK with the addition of an open-source ADCS (https://github.com/niki100jad/POQUITO_ADCS/). Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 GFSK. Planning a SoaceX launch in June 2024 to polar 95 minute orbit. **A downlink on 437.050 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 14 Dec 2023   Freq coordination completed on 15 Jan 2024

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