IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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BYU-MAYANSAT Updated: 26 Jan 2024   Responsible Operator David Long KA6WFX
Supporting Organisation Brigham Young University  
Contact Person long@ee.byu.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U CubeSat. The purpose of this mission is to give students at Brigham Young University the opportunity to build and test satellite ground stations, and operate an amateur satellite. The mission will transmit cubesat thermal data that will inform future BYU cubesat projects, as well as operate a digipeater and digital mailbox for the amateur community to use. This mission will also give other amateurs throughout the world the opportunity to make contact with an orbiting satellite. The amateur payload will also be used for transmitting thermal data from the satellite. This data will be used by faculty and students at Brigham Young University in the planning of future cubesat missions. This data will be freely accessible. The amateur payload will be used to transmit the following data, Temperature Sensors 1 temperature on 3 different faces 2 on the power board, both near batteries 1 by amateur radio power amplifier Power telemetry to calculate general waste heat from power consumption Battery voltage and current as a top level verification of power loads and the resulting energy dissipation within the satellite. Solar power by panel to subtract from incident heat for Earth albedo and solar calculations. These data will be collected while the host spacecraft undergoes different operating scenarios. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 FSK. Planning a SpaceX Rideshare through ExoLaunch into a 500-600 km SSO in Q1 2024 More info at spacecraft.byu.edu **A downlink on 437.025 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 04 Dec 2023   Freq coordination completed on 26 Jan 2024

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