IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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BeliefSat-0 Updated: 12 Dec 2023   Responsible Operator Umesh Shinde VU3CDI
Supporting Organisation K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology  
Contact Person ushinde@somaiya.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: A hosted payload with an approx mass of 500 gms. The proposed project aims to ignite student curiosity and engagement in the domains of radio-frequency communication and space technology. This project is set to serve as a driving force for STEM education. The given Project has the following amateur radio payloads onboard: 1. Amateur Band UHF to VHF FM voice repeater with 12.5 KHz max bandwidth and 12.5 KHz channel spacing. 67.0 Hz CTCSS tone for uplink. 2. VHF APRS Digipeater with 71.9 Hz CTCSS tone on the uplink. The proposed mission intends to mark 100 years of Amateur radio India and thus tries to fill the niche created after decommissioning of HAMSAT. The Mission will have a digipeater and FM voice repeater which can be used by amateur radio operators around the world depending upon the mode in which the satellite is. Proposing a VHF downlink with UHF uplink. Planning a launch from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in December 2023 into a 650km 8/9 degree inclination orbit. ** More info regarding downlink frequencies has been requested from the group** More info at https://github.com/NewLeapKjsieit/BeliefSat-0/tree/main **A downlink on 145.980 MHz and an uplink on 437.000 MHz have been coordinated** **Now planning a launch on PSLV C58 on Jan 1st 2024 into ?350 km orbit with 9.6 degree inclination**
Application Date: 09 Nov 2023   Freq coordination completed on 30 Nov 2023

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community