IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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SR-0 DemoSAT Updated: 27 May 2024   Responsible Operator Rajesh Kannan VU2OW
Supporting Organisation Space Kidz India  
Contact Person vu2ow@outlook.com.nospam  
Headline Details: The Satellite has an IMU and Digipeater, which would be transmitted as part of telemetry for Amateur and Educational Purposes. 1. To create awareness about Amateur Radio and Nano Satellites among School and College Students. 2. To successfully transmit health telemetry and beacons for radio amateurs around the world. 3. To Serve Digital Packet Store and Forward System. 4. Serve as DemoSAT to qualify a new cubesat deployer. The main goal of the satellite mission is to provide a LoRa digipeater for amateur radio operators as well as serve as DemoSat for a new cubesat deployer. The Amateur Radio Operators can send packet messages using the store and forward system of this satellite. More info at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1delgEe5VTYBG7vacPlrI1bhGeXln3GBx/view and at www.spacekidzindia.in/ Proposing UHF downlinks using 9k6 FSK AX25 , 4FSK SSDV and 38k4 LoRa. Planning an ISRO launch from Sriharikota on 4th November 2023 into 600km 6 degree inclination orbit. **Revised orbit details have been provided. Now expected to be in a 480x480 km orbit with 37.2 degree inclination** **A downlink on 437.400 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 26 Sep 2023   Freq coordination completed on 27 May 2024

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community