IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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OrgamiSat-2 Updated: 24 Oct 2023   Responsible Operator Gen Nakayama JQ1YCZ
Supporting Organisation Tokyo Institute of Technology  
Contact Person info@origami.titech.ac.jp.nospam  
Headline Details: A 3U Cubesat with a 5.8 GHz downlink mission - Implement CW and image data downlink using 5.8 GHz band. - A deployable membrane antenna will be used for the above communication mission to realize high gain even on a CubeSat. We will challenge to receive CW as well as high quality image data from the satellite using the 5.8 GHz band link between the satellite and the ground station, which is currently only accomplished by FITSAT-1 (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, 2012). We aim to promote the use of this frequency band by disclosing information on how to receive the data for amateur operators. The operational status and receiving methods will be shared with amateur operators on the website and SNS. The design details of the deployable membrane antenna are also disclosed on our website. Proposing a UHF downlink for 16 wpm CW and 1k2 AFSK and a C Band downlink for CW and BPSK/QPSK at either 100, 500, 1M, 5M 10M or 20Mbps bit rates. Planning a JAXA launch from Uchinoura in 2024 into a circular 540 km polar orbit. More info at http://www.origami.titech.ac.jp/archives/1867 **Dpwnlinks on 437.505 MHz and 5840.000 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 18 Aug 2023   Freq coordination completed on 23 Oct 2023

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