IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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WASEDA-SAT-ZERO-II Updated: 24 Oct 2023   Responsible Operator Rikuto Ozaki JK1UDE
Supporting Organisation The Society for Ultralight Space Structure of Waseda University  
Contact Person hanshin_greeeen@akane.waseda.jp.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U mission with these OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of satellite body which made by Integral molding in space environment Evaluation of performance and functions of a test body in space environment Establishment of base technology about the super lightweight space structure technology that is necessary for future supersized space structure Encouraging the talent carrying the next generation by an activity student mainly participate in as a part of a research of university education Offer the opportunity of satellite tracking and operation for ham operators and amateur astronomers, and contribute to improvement of satellite communication technic MISSION: ( 1 ) Minimum success Establish communication between satellite and earth station. (TTC) ( 2 ) Full success ( i ) Measure strain and temperature of satellite body ( ii ) Announce the command to turn on the LED mounted on the satellite to amateur radio stations which use that frequency band Provide a satellite operation experience ( iii ) Receive messages from general amateur radio stations which use that frequency band. Save it to memory. Downlink the messages few times. ( iv ) In relation to (iii), recruit the message and we uplink it from command station. Downlink the messages few times. ( v ) Extend and unfold a contained drag chute ( vi ) Let down the altitude of orbit by using drag chute which suffer air resistance ABOUT THE MISSSION: ( 1 ) Minimum success It is considered successful by checking the response to the command from the earth station. ( 2 ) Full success ( i ) Obtain the value of each sensor in about 4 digits send by telemetry ( ii ) By receiving a command to turn on the LED from ground stations nationwide, the LED is turned on for 3 minutes. Then, the last digit of the call sign of the ground station that sent the command is returned by telemetry. The LED observation results from the ground will be posted on this satellite HP. http://www.miyashita.mmech.waseda.ac.jp/Waseda- Sat-Zero/index.html ( iii ) After stabilization, receive FM messages from general amateur radio stations which use that frequency band. Save it to memory. Downlink the messages few times. ( iv ) In relation to (iii), recruit the message from ordinary people and we uplink it from command station. Downlink the messages few times. We expect this will lead to the enlightenment of amateur radio. In addition to (ii) ~ (iv), a QSL card will be issued by sending decoding reports to us. ( v ) At the start of satellite operation, the fixture is fused and the drag chute is deployed ( vi ) Let down the altitude of orbit by using drag chute which suffer air resistance Proposing a UHF downlink with a 8 wpm CW beacon and 1k2 bps FSK with AX25. Planning a launch from Uchinoura Space Center NET March 2025 into a 540 km circular polar orbit. More info at http://www.miyashita.mmech.waseda.ac.jp/Waseda-Sat- Zero/index.html ** A downlink on 437.200 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 10 Aug 2023   Freq coordination completed on 23 Oct 2023

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