IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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GOLDS-UFSC Updated: 24 Oct 2023   Responsible Operator Mauricio Sinigaglia PP5BMS
Supporting Organisation Federal University of Santa Catarina  
Contact Person mauricio.sinigaglia@gmail.com.nospam  
Headline Details: A 2U CubeSat. GOLDS-UFSC will have the following missions: 1 - An educational mission where students will be involved with the design and operation of a cubesat system in a space environment. Students will also learn about radio communications, digital communications, radio electronics, antennas, digital communications. 2. An amateur radio mission will be implemented where the satellite functions as a digital store-and-forward repeater where digital frames will be stored and be relayed by the satellite. The amateur mission will have global coverage and will be accessible to any radio amateur. All students involved with the satellite operations will be required to have an amateur radio license. The GOLDS-UFSC non amateur mission is an initiative of students and researchers from the Space Technologies Research Laboratory (SpaceLab) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, with the first objective of validating the functioning of the EDC (Environmental Data Collector) module, developed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). This payload was developed for CubeSats of 1U size or larger, with the function of receiving signals transmitted by platforms belonging to the Global Open coLlecting Data System (GOLDS). Golds-UFSC will downlink telemetry in NGHam format on 468 MHz. The payload will use the 401 MHz frequency. The received data is forwarded to the ground segment through the main communication link offered by the satellite service module. A scientific contribution of the mission is the evaluation of radiation effects on electronic devices, as both EDC and the service platform are based on COTS. The radiation effects evaluation will be performed by the Radiation instrument, which has also been developed for the FloripaSat-1 mission. The amateur community will be able to interact with the satellite using the experiment developed with LABRE / AMSAT-BR. The experiment enables amateurs around the world to exchange text messages through the GOLDS-UFSC satellite. The operations will be carried out by students duly licensed to operate in the amateur radio service. GOLDS-UFSC mission provides free software to access the data from the satellite as the radio amateur experiment and telemetry data. https://github.com/spacelab-ufsc/spacel ab-decoder Proposing a VHF downlink using 1k2 GMSK and NGHam protocol. No launch confirmed but planning a 650x550 km polar orbit. More info at https://spacelab.ufsc.br/en/golds-ufsc/ and https://spacelab-ufsc.github.io/floripasat2-doc/slb-fsat2-doc-v0.3.pdf **A downlink on 145.900 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 17 Jul 2023   Freq coordination completed on 22 Oct 2023

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