IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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UCAnFly Updated: 27 Apr 2024   Responsible Operator Pablo Cardenas Fernandez EA7KUK
Supporting Organisation Universidad de Cádiz  
Contact Person pablo.cardenasfernandez@alum.uca.es.nospam  
Headline Details: The main aim of the UCAnFly mission is to explore the feasibility of novel magnetic measurement designs for space missions requiring tiny sensors and long-integration time. For this purpose, a compact payload able to achieve demanding low-frequency magnetic requirements will be developed for a 1U-CubeSat, which will make it possible to improve the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the instrument as well as allow the in-flight low-frequency noise characterization of the system under the CubeSat environment. 1.56: UCAnFly is an educational project. The communications segment will be carried out by students with radio amateur license. 1.57: The UCAnFly GS will work in UHF amateur frequency 25: The GS will comply with the Spanish radio amateur legislation. The GS will be used only to establish communication with the UCAnFly satellite. The GS will send his callsign in transmission in short intervals. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 or 19k2 GMSK with AX25 and CCSDS formatting. No launch defined. More info at https://ucanfly.uca.es/ **A downlink on 437.080 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 13 May 2023   Freq coordination completed on 27 Apr 2024

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