IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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UMKA-1 Updated: 22 Jun 2023   Responsible Operator Aleksey Shafiev RA3PPY
Supporting Organisation MOU secondary school No. 29 named after P. I. Zabrodin  
Contact Person ra3ppy@yandex.ru.nospam  
Headline Details: Satellite telescope UMKA-1 is a CubeSat supporting 3U application equipped with the electro-optical system for educational astronomical purposes. The main educational mission of this project is to provide satellite astronomical survey and observation of astronomical objects, constellations, star clusters, astronomical bodies, etc. in order to promote such scientific disciplines as astronomy and cosmology among young people. Moreover, this project will make it possible for secondary school students, university students and radio amateurs to get telemetering measurements and sky images from the Earth’s orbit. Additional goals of this project include making images of different orbital objects (e.g., images of orbital debris for its identification and its state assessment). As a result, secondary school ground receiving station operators, university ground receiving station operators and radio amateurs all over the world will be able to receive images of astronomical objects made by our satellite telescope from the Earth’s orbit using SDR receiver and our software. All project participants who will receive images of astronomical objects made by our satellite telescope UMKA and email us these images will be awarded a certificate. We also plan to send our own QSL cards to radio amateurs for receiving and decoding the telemetry data. Detailed information will be uploaded to our website https://sputnik.school29.ru. The decoder and the information about the packet format will be freely accessible on our website. During this project satellite transmission schedule will be regularly updated on our website in order to inform radio amateurs about image transmissions. Proposing downlinks on UHF using 9k6 USP and S Band using 2Mbpd BFSK. Planning a launch from Vostochny Cosmodrome on 25th May 2023 into a 500x600 km SSO. **Downlinks on 437.625 MHz, 435.825 MHz and 2402.400 MHz have been coordinated** ** New launch date - now 26th or 27th June 2023**
Application Date: 23 Mar 2023   Freq coordination completed on 18 Jun 2023

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