IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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GT-2 Updated: 24 Feb 2025   Responsible Operator Sterling Peet KK4UVG
Supporting Organisation Georgia Institute of Technology.  
Contact Person sterling.peet@gatech.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U mission. The primary function of GT-2 is to be an educational proof of concept and satellite bus demonstrator. We want to demonstrate and test improved attitude determination through sun sensors, a magnetometer, and an IMU, and attitude control through magnetorquer detumble and control. We plan to operate with CCSDS Space Packet protocol and maintain a fallback compatibility mode with AX25 for telecommand and telemetry. Documentation for both will be provided and publicly available. The GT-2 mission is not a purely amateur mission, but also an educational one. The overall goal is to create several satellite bus demonstrators, of which GT-2 is the second iteration. We want to use the skills, technologies, and knowledge acquired from these demonstrators and apply them to future satellite missions being developed in our lab. Specific to the amateur radiocommunication service, we want to have interested students get training and exposure to operating radios and an understanding of how these communication systems work. In partnership with the W4AQL Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club we also plan for the satellite to host a digital contact ROBOT payload, inspired by the Russian ham satellites RS-12 and RS-13. We will collect QSO information for amateur operators who contact the ROBOT as it orbits. Proposing a 9k6 GMSK UHF downlink. Planning a JAXA launch to the ISS and deployment in fall 2022. More info at www.ssdl.gatech.edu **No further information has been received**
Application Date: 24 Feb 2025   Freq coordination completed on

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