IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Spaceant-D Updated: 01 May 2023   Responsible Operator Norilmi Amilia Ismail 9W2NIA
Supporting Organisation Universiti Sains Malaysia  
Contact Person aenorilmi@usm.my.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1P PocketQube. Primary Mission Objective: i. To collect multiple sensor data from sensor nodes and forward the data to the Amateur Radio ground station. ii. To demonstrate the capability of the ground station and data centre at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to receive data from satellites and forward it to the users. iii. To provide training and hands-on experience to the Amateur Radio community in Malaysia on the usage of LoRa technology for satellite communication. Secondary Missions Objectives: i. To demonstrate LoRa modulation in satellite store and forward application. ii. To demonstrate PocketQubes capability in providing a low-cost space platform for store and forward application. iii. To provide education and hands-on experience related to satellite operation to USM student. The global amateur operators will be able to receive housekeeping and mission data from the sensor nodes. Each sensor nodes are equipped with microcontrollers, sensors, transceiver, and solar panels. It will be placed in remote areas where conventional IoT devices is not reachable. Additionally, the mission will also give authorization to the Amateur operators in Malaysia to uplink their callsigns for other amateur services around the globe to receive it in non-real time. The uplinked callsign will be saved into the satellite?s flash memory and downlinked back after some predetermined time. However, this operation will be under control and permission of the satellite owner (USM). Proposing a UHF downlink using CW and 1k2 GFSK with AX25. Planning a SpaceX launch in May 2023 into a 550 km SSO More info at https://spacein.com.my/spaceant-d-amateur-radio/ **The request has been declined as the coordination request has been submitted by a commercial company wanting to conduct a technology demonstration, a purely commercial activity.** ** As a result of changes to the mission, coordination has now been provided. A downlink on 437.425 MHz**
Application Date: 27 Sep 2022   Freq coordination completed on 01 May 2023

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community