IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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PION-BR1 Updated: 27 Dec 2021   Responsible Operator Edson Pereira PY2SDR
Supporting Organisation Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)  
Contact Person ewpereira@gmail.com.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1P OocketQube. PION-BR1 is an amateur combined with education mission with the aim to promote access to space technologies to students and interaction between students and the radioamateur community. ● The primary mission will be a digital store-and-forward messaging experiment using the NGHam protocol. Details about the experiment will be provided at the project web site on www.pionlabs.com.br/pion-br1. ● The secondary mission is to compare and evaluate the performance of the store-and-forward experiment using GFSK and LoRa modulations. In order to support classroom and STEM activities, the project will also: ● Evaluate the attitude of a pocketqube in a space environment; ● Evaluate the temperature environment the satellite is inserted in; ● Perform data collection of a magnetorquer experiment. The project source code will be published on GitHub. The project also offers an opportunity for the educational and amateur radio communities to build their own pocketqube satellites using the PION-BR1 project knowledge base. Students will be encouraged to acquire their amateur radio license throughout the project lifetime. We believe that the PION-BR1 project will stimulate the interest of young students in Brazil to the STEM fields. Amateur radio will be employed as a teaching tool for the students participating in the OBSat program, a program coordinated by MCTI, the Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, with the objective to promote experiences for students in small and pico satellite projects—spreading the aerospace culture to students and teachers from secondary education institutions to university students. PION-BR1 is an educational satellite involving amateur radio as a supporting tool for teaching STEM areas. The mission will provide access to students on technologies in space missions and communications; with the incentive to become radio amateurs. The satellite will be launched in partnership with the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), the Brazilian Satellite Olympiad (OBSAT/MCTI), the Maua Institute of Technology (IMT), the Latin American Space Challenge (LASC), the Brazilian Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT-BR) and the Brazilian Amateur Radio League (LABRE) (Launch announcement available on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Edz2iTdJCPo?t=5124). The launch of PION-BR1 will foster teaching activities based on the project-based learning (PBL) methodology carried out by the OBSAT/MCTI with more than 250 educational CanSats and CubeSats kits sent to schools in every state of Brazil. STEM workshops & competitions will be hosted for students and enthusiasts to participate in; a 5 full section of software of the satellite is dedicated to these experiments for educational research. More details will be provided at the project web site at www.pionlabs.com.br/pion-br1. Proposing a UHF downlink using 1k2 and 9k6 GFSK with NgHam protocol also a secondary experiment using Lora with SF10:12kHz also using NgHam https://github.com/skagmo/ngham . Planning a SpaceX launch from Kennedy Space Center NET January 2022 into a 550km polar orbit together with Carnegie Mellon University satellite; MDQube-SAT; Delfi-PQ; Grizu-263A. **A downlink on 437.300 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 16 Nov 2021   Freq coordination completed on 08 Dec 2021

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