IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Owlsat Updated: 11 Feb 2022   Responsible Operator Douglas Steinbach KI5QQJ
Supporting Organisation Rice University  
Contact Person Doug.steinbach@rice.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U mission. Our ground station supports the enhancement of amateur radio as a means of technical self-training for young people by being integrated into Rice University’s amateur radio club. We will provide an exciting activity in which we encourage interest and participation, and support learning of the radio arts by the students. This will provide a means for the OWLSAT team to train amateurs in amateur satellite communication. This will lead to more involvement on and off-campus through training and events. The ground station will be networked to the SATNOGS global database and access system, to allow access to it for all SATNOGS users. Also, Owlsat will measure extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation and position, so that students can develop an orbital decay model that considers solar activity. 1. Our ground station supports the “enhancement of amateur radio as a means of technical self-training for young people” by being integrated into Rice University’s amateur radio club. This will provide a means for the OWLSAT team to train amateurs in amateur satellite communication. This will immediately lead to more involvement on and off-campus through training and events. 2. Our ground station will be joining an international community of receivers (SATNOGS) that are available for collection of any compatible transmission. We will be working with SATNOGS to develop transmitter capable stations that may provide access to transmit remotely. 3. The science experiment supports the IARU’s mission statement of “promotion of technical and scientific investigation in the field of radiocommunication” as it may improve the prediction of orbits, and improve conjunction avoidance, which benefits amateur satellites. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 GFSK with AX25 protocol.Planning a Firefly launch in June 2022 from Vandenberg into a 565km polar orbit together with CatSat (University of Arizona), KUbeSat-1 (Kansas University), MESAT1 (University of Maine), SOC-i (University of Washington) More info from https://seds.rice.edu/owlsat-cubesat/ **A downlink on 436.975 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 16 Nov 2021   Freq coordination completed on 11 Feb 2022

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