IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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MESAT-1 Updated: 22 Nov 2021   Responsible Operator Ali Abedi KB1VJV
Supporting Organisation University of Maine  
Contact Person ali.abedi@maine.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: A 3U CubeSat mission. The LTM-1 transponder, provided by AMSAT, will serve as a linear transponder for amateur radio operators to use for recreation and practice in addition to supporting telemetry and command with the satellite systems. This operation will provide education and training in the radio arts for students at the University of Maine, as they monitor onboard systems and receive telemetry and data from the onboard sensors, including remote sensors. MESAT1 will provide licensed amateurs with the opportunity to utilize the onboard LTM-1 linear transponder. The LTM-1 is designed and built by AMSAT. The MESAT1 also provides an opportunity for AMSAT to further characterize and test the capabilities of the LTM-1 in orbit, and to gain more flight heritage for the device. Also, this operation will provide education and training in the radio arts for students at the University of Maine.The MESAT1 spacecraft will also carry an L-band GlobalStar transmitter with a carrier frequency of 1616.25 MHz. This will be used along with the onboard GPS receiver, to provide back to our team, early mission TLEs. These will be published on our website as well as on Space Track, to allow our ground station as well as Hams worldwide to accurately point antennas and access the LTM-1. Phase 1, 0-6 months: LTM-1 will be used for downlinking TLM and command uplinks. EyeStar Globalstar radio will be used for hourly beacons. Phase 2, 6 months-EOL: LTM-1 will be used as linear transponder, command uplinking, and TLM downlinks. The EyeStar Globalstar radio will be decommissioned and no longer transmitting. Proposing a 30 kHz wide V/U Transponder plus a 1k2 BPSK telemetry downlink. Planning a launch from Vandenberg in June 2022 into a 555km SSO. More info from umaine.edu/wisenetlab/mesat1 **Co-ordination has been provided for telemetry downlink 435.800 MHz with transponder downlink 435.810-435.840 MHz, and transponder uplink 145.910-145.940 MHz**
Application Date: 14 Aug 2021   Freq coordination completed on 22 Nov 2021

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community