IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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KOSEN-2 Updated: 04 Apr 2022   Responsible Operator Kentaro Konishi JE4YMP
Supporting Organisation National Institute of Technology, Yonago College  
Contact Person kosen2project@gmail.com.nospam  
Headline Details: A 2U Cubesat 1. In-orbit test of the onboard computer system consisted of a Linux-based microcomputer. 2. 360-degree Camera Unit test to take all-sky images with two fish-eye cameras. 3. In-orbit test of newly developed attitude control system using dual reaction wheel mechanism. 4. In-orbit test of SDR-based receiving system for 920MHz band (SDR receiver No. 1) to receive the signals from IoT devices on the Earth. The satellite and the ground station verify the received data whether the IoT devices transmitted the data successfully. 5. In-orbit test of remote sensing data reception on the seafloor crustal deformation transmitted by IoT devices connected with observation devices on the sea. The satellite and the ground station verify the received data whether the IoT devices on the sea transmitted the data successfully. 6. Receive AFSK/GMSK packets on 435 MHz band with the onboard transceiver (RX: Software-defined Radio (SDR) receiver No. 2), and the received packets will be sent on 430 MHz band downlink. KOSEN-2 provides a packet forwarding service by the 430MHz transceiver for amateur radio operators. The 1200 BPS (AFSK on FM) and 9600 BPS (GMSK) modes are available by KOSEN-2. The amateur radio operators examine satellite communication by KOSEN-2 for self-training, intercommunication, and investigations. This packet forwarding service will also contribute education of students for radiocommunication engineering in technical colleges and universities. See the overview of the packet forwarding service at https://bit.ly/3jI5ONg Planning a launch on Epsilon Launch Vehicle No. 6 (JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Secondary payloads which use amateur radio: STARS-X (climber, TCU-00), MAGNARO-A, B, WASEDA-SAT-Zero, FSI-SAT 1 into a 500km SSO in fiscal 2022. **The IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel has discussed the frequency coordination request and concluded that transmitting the LoRa signal carrying basic meteorological measurement data, such as temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity on land and sea is outside of the scope of amateur-satellite service. Therefore, the panel will not assign frequencies in frequency bands allocated to the amateur satellite service.** **In response to an amended request, a downlink on 436.750 MHz has now been coordinated**
Application Date: 30 Jul 2021   Freq coordination completed on 04 Apr 2022

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community