IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Essence Updated: 11 Sep 2023   Responsible Operator Vidushi Jain VA3ARY
Supporting Organisation Lassonde School of Engineering (York University)  
Contact Person vidushij@my.yorku.ca.nospam  
Headline Details: ESSENCE (Educational Space Science and ENgineering CubeSat Experiment) is a 3U CubeSat supported by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The primary objective is centered on the training of high-quality personnel with professional skills in space science and technology, and inspiring young students to pursue STEM programs with a focus on space. The secondary goal is to conduct scientific and technological experiments in space by the low-cost and quick-turn-around CubeSat platform. The technological experiment concerns a novel attitude control theory and algorithm of spacecraft, while the scientific experiment is to observe Earth’s environment by monitoring arctic ice, permafrost thaw, and forests from the vantage point of ISS, and to investigate the space weather by measuring energetic solar protons. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 GMSK with AX25 and CCSDS packet structures. Planning a Nanoracks deployment from the ISS in Q2 2022. More info at http://www.yorku.ca/cubesat/ and https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bconr-RlHaIyGJsz7kZRooLlZvRoiQiy **More information about the amateur mission was requested from the group**
Application Date: 15 Jul 2020   Freq coordination completed on

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