IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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SpudNik-1 Updated: 18 Sep 2020   Responsible Operator Christopher Vessey VY2CRV
Supporting Organisation University of Prince Edward Island  
Contact Person Cvessey@upei.ca.nospam  
Headline Details: The “SpudNik-1” team at the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering (FSDE), University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI), will design and develop an innovative “CubeSat”-based imaging system for acquiring spatio-temporal data from agricultural fields. The proposed sensing system, integrated into a 2U CubeSat structure, will be capable of capturing high resolution (2 – 10 m on the ground) soil and crop data (texture, topography, moisture content, weed and disease infestations, crop damage, etc.) in a non-destructive way using visible-band image data. High-resolution data from the CubeSat will help the agricultural growers to manage agricultural inputs on an as-needed basis to ensure economic and environmental sustainability. The sustainable use of agricultural inputs (fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) based on crop need, as identified by the high resolution visible-band image data from the CubeSat, will not only increase farm profitability and input use efficiency but also minimize the risks associated with climate change by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from the agriculture sector. By the end of the mission, approximately 50 undergraduate students, as well as at least two graduate students, will have gained experience in designing, building, and testing a low earth orbit nanosatellite. In terms of outreach initiatives, students and faculty are delivering workshops and presentations to elementary and high school students, as well as giving public demonstrations. Proposing a UHF downlink using 2GFSK at 19k2 bps and an S Band downlink using DQPSK at 675 kbps. Planning a Nanoracks deployment in Q2 2022 as part of the Canadian CubeSat Project. More info at http://projects.upei.ca/spudnik1/communications/ **Downlinks on 437.320 MHz and 2403.400 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 09 Jul 2020   Freq coordination completed on 14 Sep 2020

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