IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Iris (was ManitobaSat-1) Updated: 01 Sep 2021   Responsible Operator Witold Kinsner VE4WK
Supporting Organisation University of Manitoba Space Technology and Advanced Research Laboratory  
Contact Person Witold.Kinsner@umanitoba.ca.nospam  
Headline Details: A 3U CubeSat mission. UPDATED INFO FOLLOWS: The Iris CubeSat project has many standard technical and scientific objectives, with the amateur-radio educational mission being the primary objective. As the lead of Iris CubeSat ground station (located at the University of Manitoba Amateur Radio Society, UMARS), Dr. Witold Kinsner, VE4WK, (a member of AMSAT, ARRL, RAC) has taught and delivered courses related to amateur radio training and operations over the past 40 years to approximately 60 students each year. As Accredited Examiner for Industry Canada, he has also developed a method of giving approved amateur radio exams for both the Basic and Advanced Qualifications online. These courses have been designed not only for undergraduate and graduate students from universities and colleges, but also for high-school students. In addition to the standard material and practices, he teaches and demonstrates his new classes of antennas and error correcting codes for satellite missions. Dr. Kinsner has also had a history of educating indigenous students about space, satellite, and ground station operations. Examples include oneweek long Summer Space Camps, as well as Verna Kirkness Discovery Camps. Together with UMSATS and Manitoba amateurs, he also supported ground station tracking of High- Altitude Balloon flights and experiments organized by the high school teachers and students. Together with IEEE colleagues in Europe, Dr. Kinsner has proposed a project (now approved) to establish a global network of ground stations for data collection and analysis. Expanding on the idea of GENSO, the network would allow students obtain and decode the data (e.g., telemetry data) for study and for research. The team is working to engage with the global community of amateur radio operators to operate the satellites. At the same time, the University of Manitoba Space Applications and Technology Society (UMSATS) is also negotiating with the team to collaborate and support the satellite communications activities. There is also strong collaboration between our team, UMARS, and other active groups related to rockets and unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The Canadian Space Society has been approached to endorse the project. The local community is also supportive and involved in this project. In addition, the outcome of the mission may also be strengthened by a new proposal to the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) from the University of Winnipeg, the University of Manitoba, and the Winnipeg Amateur radio community on a Lunar and Planetary STEM Network for students. The group intends to involve other universities and colleges, including those in Nunavut. Those planned activities are intended to further enhance experiential education of all the participants and increase the number of knowledgeable ham radio operators. Some other aspects relating with the project mission is listed below: 1. The mission is led by CSA to allow professors and university students to conduct s pace missions from conception to l aunch and decommissioning. 2. It provides space systems study experience from professors and university students to contribute to the amateur radio community through shared data collection across the international amateur radio community, open access publications and seminars. 3. It provides experience and opportunities with a goal of increasing interest and knowledge about amateur radio operations to the project group, as well as increases the number of licensed amateur operators. 4. It involves a geology-based scientific experiment to send meteorite, lunar , and other geological samples back to space to study the changes in optical properties, supplementing the research of NASA’s OSIRISRex’s mission. 5. It contains an educational outreach perspective by involving elementary school students to design their own gnomon payload experiment that will act as a pointing indicator for our geology payload. 6. It is involved with technology demonstration for novel sun sensors and torque rods from York University, as well as an innovative 3D-printed heater from Datec Coatings Inc. 7. The team is also obtaining a QSL card for the Iris mission to confirm and acknowledge QSOs. (The Iris mission will be launched in April 2022. The Iris mission does not have any pecuniary interest, and there is no transmission of encrypted messages in the requested amateur spectrum. The required telecommand signals from Earth to the spacecraft will have known format. Telemetry data of Iris satellite is open and available to all amateur radio operators worldwide who can listen and decode. Other transmissions from the satellite to Earth for Iris mission are publicly available so that any amateur station can receive and decode the transmissions. The Iris mission does not have interservice communications.) Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 FSK over Canada. Planning a NanoRacks deployment from the ISS in April 2022. See www.umstarlab.ca and https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g9g2MG H_fF8lXc5pbhT6Qa3ZCaksM6aufEWtH6PZsRk/ edit?usp= **In the absence of amateur mission as the primary objective, the IARU is not in a position to coordinate frequencies in bands allocated to the amateur satellite service**
Application Date: 20 Jun 2020   Freq coordination completed on

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