IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Serenity Updated: 25 Apr 2020   Responsible Operator Rocco Conte WU2M
Supporting Organisation Teachers in Space Inc  
Contact Person Rconte41@gmail.com.nospam  
Headline Details: Targeting elementary and secondary school students and teachers led by Ham operators, as well as other Hams, the Serenity mission will allow interaction with the cubesat, requesting a download of data on spacecraft health, location, and radiation levels measured on the spacecraft. Interest in this activity will be incented when school groups post packets received on the Teachers In Space website, and obtain recognition for the schools and individual Hams by doing so. A 3U Cubesat project. In carrying out this mission, orbital flight heritage will be gained for the Serenity design and design standard. Serenity is a low cost bus design that can be built with 3D printing, and assembled and operated by schools both for orbital and for suborbital missions, as well as in the classroom. Sensors will include Arducam Camera 2 Dosimeters Spectrometer Accelerometer GPS Raspberry Pi controller and data logger Proposing a UHF downlink using 4k8 FM with AX25 and planning a Firefly launch into a 300km circular 137 degree inclination orbit from Vandenberg on June 30th 2020 together with Fossa, Hawaii Science & Tech Museum, Perdue University, U. of Cambridge (UK), U. of So. California Space Research Center More info from https://teachers-in-space.com/ ** A downlink on 437.100 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 04 Apr 2020   Freq coordination completed on 25 Apr 2020

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