IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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ALPHA Updated: 26 Apr 2020   Responsible Operator Guido Parissenti IU2KLA
Supporting Organisation ARCA Dynamics  
Contact Person guido.parissenti@gpadvancedprojects.com.nospam  
Headline Details: ALPHA is a 1U CubeSat mission, hosting different technologies designed and built to endure the highly radiative MEO Space environment. In fact, the CubeSat is named after the highly ionizing form of particle radiation that is also present in the Van Allen belts, where the target orbit is located. It is intended to be released as secondary payloads after the main payload, the LARES-II scientific satellite, on a slightly different orbit (apogee: ~5892 km, circular, inclination: 70° ± 1°) to avoid collision risks. Proposing UHF downlink with 9k6 FSK and USB SSTV plus LoRa at 1168bps. Planning a launch from Kourou in Q3 2020 into a 5892 Km orbit at 70 degrees. More info from http://arcadynamics.com/ **Coordination has been declined as the mission does not meet the definition of the amateur and amateur satellite service**
Application Date: 13 Mar 2020   Freq coordination completed on 26 Apr 2020

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