IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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SPACE HAUC Updated: 26 Jan 2020   Responsible Operator Sanjeev Mehta KC1LUF
Supporting Organisation University of Massachusetts, Lowell  
Contact Person Sanjeev_Mehta@student.uml.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: A 3U CubeSat mission. SPACE HAUC is an undergraduate student Cube Satellite project with the goal of providing multi-disciplinary undergraduate students with hands-on training in designing and building space-flight missions. Part of this is a technical demonstration of a student designed high data-rate (up to 100 Mbps) X-band phased array system with adaptive beam steering capabilities. The nature of the student experiment is such that the X band experiment must be in the 8 GHz range, which is not Amateur frequency. The Amateur 10 GHz is not wide enough bandwidth to support the design we are testing. This is our opportunity to contribute to the radio art, while educating students and developing community outreach beyond the campus. Proposing a UHF telemetry downlink using 2GFSK at 9k6 kbps. Planning Nanoracks deployment from the ISS in Dec 2020. Expecting to fly with Bobcat-1, TJREVERB, NEUTRON-1, CySat-1 **Coordination has been declined as the SPACE HAUC’s mission falls under the category Experimental and Research missions as described in ITU Report ITU-R SA.2312-0.**
Application Date: 20 Nov 2019   Freq coordination completed on

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