IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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AZTECHSAT-1 Updated: 27 May 2019   Responsible Operator Enrique Sanchez Lara XE1SLE
Supporting Organisation Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla  
Contact Person enrique.sanchez@upaep.mx.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U CubeSat mission. I.- Promote Radio Amateur Activities: The AZTECHSAT-1 will promote radio amateur activities such as listening emergency messages in the 439 MHz frequency and processing them via winlink system, listen and transmitting information in the 435-438 MHz, creating antenna equipment, locate the satellite and capture the AzTechSat-1 messages and verify them in our web page www.upaep.mx/aztechsat . In order to assure the transmission of amateur data in, we have developed a protocol with proper tele commands described in the attached “AZTECHSAT-1 Detailed Description” file. Also, our 20,000 students private University has developed relationships and projects with our Mexican Amateur Organization FMRE, we have acquired and installed our Ground Station (described in the SpaceCap API) adviced by them, and they helped us to obtain our Radio Amateur License and call sign as follows: XE1SLE XE1SSL XE1RFB XE1LFR XE1LGC XE1ARD XE1SCL II.- Support Emergency Messages & HAM activities with FMRE: We have some projects and collaboration with FMRE. We pretend to listen emergency messages in the 439 MHz frequency in the whole Aztechsat-1 orbit, then encapsulate such messages in globalstar frames, then send them to our network operations center (in our ground station) and deliver such messages to the winlink or similar system in order to be processed and attended. The details of such project are explained in the AZTECHSAT-1_Detailed_description attached file. Then, some extra activities are being developed such as a new Mexican winlink node using our ICOM 9100, AirMail, Telnet interaction among others. III.- Increase Amateur Activities: we have developed some relationships with other Universities and research institutions in order to increase Amateur Activities and assure the success of our protocol and activities. III.- Increase radio Amateur Knowledge: We pretend to produce a “Saturation Map” of the 435-438 MHz by listening the presence of signals in such band in the AZTECHSAT-1 whole orbit and send to the Ground Station such information using two links: The Satellite to Earth 435-438 link and a backup proprietary link in the 1610 MHz band (This link was negotiated with the GlobalStar company The backup link is simplex, it has a simplex transmission chip that is able only to send small packets from the Satellite to the GlobalStar satellite constellation. This link carries only the telemetry data of the AZTECHSAT-1 and the data of the proposed “Saturation Map”. IV.- Experimental Academic Data Satellite to Satellite Communication: In the GlobalStar link we will demonstrate the Satellite to Satellite communication, we don´t know , in this moment, how good or bad, or even if it is feasible to achieve such communication. The results of this investigation will be shared in real time with academic and Radio Amateur groups, it will available in this link: http://www.upaep.mx/aztechsat This mission is supported by NASA “Educational Launch of Nano Satellites” initiative which is described in the “AzTechSat-1 Detailed description Section 5. The support consist in launching our satellite from the International Space Station at no cost. VI.- Share Information and Recognize Radio Amateur Activities: All the data received in our Ground Station by the Amateur Link and the GlobalStar link will be available in a public page http://www.upaep.mx/aztechsat . The emergency messages received via globalstar and directly to our ground station will be shared too. Also, we will recognize Radio Amateur people with a Letter of Recognition in this way: If a Radio Amateur person is able to receive the messages of the Aztechsat-1, they can visit our public page and capture their call sign, name, and part of the message. We will check if the information is correct (because we receive such information via the globalstar link ) and then we will produce the letter of recognition in pdf format, with the UPAEP, Mexican Space Agency, and NASA logos. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 GMSK or FSK. Will also carry a Globalstar radio. Planning a Nanoracks deployment in October 2019. More info at https://upaep.mx/aztechsat **A downlink on 437.300 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 27 Nov 2018   Freq coordination completed on 27 May 0019

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