IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Strike Eagle Updated: 15 Jan 2007   Responsible Operator Albert Helfrick K2BLA
Supporting Organisation Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University  
Contact Person helfrica@erau.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: The primary mission of the satellite is to record data based on the RF energy of lightning. The satellite payload will count each lightning strike that occurs within its viewing area and determine each strike’s amplitude and record the time period in which the data were gathered. Lightning detection will be accomplished by monitoring RF energy at 13 MHz and 26 MHz through two narrow band receivers that serve as a coincident detector. A wide band receiver with a bandwidth from 13 MHz to 26 MHz is used as the sampling signal. The satellite will transmit telemetry using a beacon system on the requested frequency of 437.400 MHz via 400 bps Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK) while over North America. The satellite will also transmit data when commanded by an authorized ground station. The satellite will operate using primary alkaline cells only and wiis expected to be fully operational for 100 to 150 days. As no new information has been received - this project has been removed from the formal application list as at 14th January 2007
Application Date: 10 Feb 2005   Freq coordination completed on

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