IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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CELESTA Updated: 05 Apr 2021   Responsible Operator Sebastien Hesse F4HUH
Supporting Organisation Université de Montpellier  
Contact Person sebastien.hesse@umontpellier.fr.nospam  
Headline Details: The project is for a 1U CubeSat and this info is an update from the original request from October 2018. The CELESTA project consists in developing a 1U CubeSat based system to monitor the MEO environment and perform in-orbit testing of the 1U CubeSat platform developed by the UM. The satellite payload is a module including a radiation monitor “RadMon” and a SEL (Single Event Latch-up) experiment, both developed by CERN. CELESTA (CERN Latch-up Experiment Student Satellite) mission consists in: developing and flying a space version of CERN radiation monitor (RadMon) coupled with a latch-up experiment; showing that the space radiation environment of Low Earth Orbit can be reproduced in the CERN High energy Accelerator Mixed field facility (CHARM). This would open the use for space system qualification activities, and provide a radiation monitor module for future missions. The second mission of the CELESTA satellite is to demonstrate the good functionality of the upgraded ROBUSTA-1U platform. The third mission of the CELESTA platform is to reemit in the broadcast “tweets” addressed to the Ham radio community. As a University platform, we have created two diplomas. The first is a professional degree "assembly, integration of space systems" at the University and Technology Institute of Nîmes (France). The second, 1 year after a masters degree, is “Development of spatial systems” at Polytech in Montpellier (France). In both fields, we educate young people about the world of radio and particularly to amateur radio. We invite young graduates to take the amateur radio exam and to register in radio clubs. At the same time, for the CELESTA and MT-CUBE-2 missions, we are technically supporting the creation of a ground station at the University and Technological Institute of Béziers (France). This allows theoretical instruction to be followed by practical instruction on the two satellites named above. They thus receive and decode the data received and send TCs in the form of "TWEET" on each of the satellites. A new ground station project is underway at the University and Technology Institute of Nîmes (France). About satellite mission, see https://www.dropbox.com/s/45bks97puj3e7ji/ROB1D_CELESTA_for_Radio_Ham_v2.0.pdf?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/78nw53389yderfp/Spreadsheet%20Robusta%20decoding%20.xlsx?dl=0 We have developed an SDR transceiver station. The goal of this new station is to use the equipment that anyone can easily find on the market and the cheapest possible. This station is based on an ADAM Pluto SDR. This station will be validated during the mission of MT-CUBE-2 and CELESTA. It is hoped that this type of station will involve more and more young people in the amateur radio community in the future. Implication in development:F4HUH, F4IIS and F4IAI Proposing a UHF using GMSK at 2k4 or 9k6 also possibly AFSK at 1k2 using AX25 frames. Planning a launch from Kourou in mid 2021 into a 70 degree orbit at approx 5860 km altitude with a period of 3.75 hours. expecting to fly with MT-Cube-2 and Alpha. More info from https://csu.edu.umontpellier.fr/en/home/ **A downlink on 436.500 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 01 Oct 2020   Freq coordination completed on 05 Apr 2021

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