IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Reaktor Hello World Updated: 14 Nov 2018   Responsible Operator Juho Salmio OH2WEM
Supporting Organisation Reaktor Innovations  
Contact Person Juho.salmio@reaktor.com.nospam  
Headline Details: This is a 2U CubeSat mission. The objectives are: 1. The satellite will provide a beacon and telemetry data for which amateur satellite users and ham radio users will be able to receive. 2. Test the capabilities of reusable flight platform, which consists of radio module, onboard computer, Power Supply Unit, ADCS (Attitude Determination and Control System), Antenna deployment system. 3. Test the reliability of high performance industrial grade multicore SoC payload computer (Application Processing unit) with linux. 4. Test the ability to make OTA-updates to the Application Processing Unit. 5. Take and transmit pictures on request to the ground. 6. Lower the barrier of creating software to space by increasing the abstraction level. Requesting coordination for a UHF downlink for a CW beacon and 9k6 packet 2GFSK for telemetry plus a 1Mbps MSK downlink on S Band. Planning a polar orbit at approx 650km late 2016/early 2017. More info from https://reaktor.com/space and at https://youtu.be/NWHj5LS6d70 ** Downlinks on 437.775 MHz and 2410MHz have been coordinated** **Reaktor Hello World is using PSLV XL launch, which should happen during week 48 2018. The telemetry decoding information is available at https://reaktorspace.com/reaktor-hello-world/**
Application Date: 06 May 2016   Freq coordination completed on 14 Sep 2016

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community