IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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UFOsat 1-3 Updated: 10 Oct 2016   Responsible Operator Paulo Fracalossi Ciampa PY2LAB – Geraldo Itagiba de Andrade
Supporting Organisation Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo  
Contact Person paulo.ciampa@usp.br.nospam  
Headline Details: A constellation of two Tubesats and one CubeSat. The mission objectives for the University (of Sao Paulo)for this project is to serve as a technological platform to execute transmission of a beacon and telemetry and telecommand of its systems. The spacecraft also have payloads that feature LED illumination to perform astronomic and telemetry experiments using light. The satellites and their ground station were conceived and built by MSc. Eng. Paulo Fracalossi Ciampa at the Laboratory of Integrated Systems (LSI-USP) with collaboration from the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). The project is also an educational project for Engineering students at the Polytechnic School of Engineering at University of Sao Paulo. It provides hands-on experience for students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to build flight hardware for a space mission. Proposing UHF downlinks using a Radiometrix transceiver. More information will be provided at http://www.lsi.usp.br/~pfciampa/index-en.html Planning a launch from Tonga on an Interorbital LV together with more than 40 other payloads.**An original request was received in Aug 2015 but full details have not been confirmed as at October 2016**
Application Date: 25 Aug 2015   Freq coordination completed on

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