IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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NJUST-1 Updated: 18 Jun 2015   Responsible Operator Heng Chen BD5RV
Supporting Organisation QB50 & Nanjing University of Science and Technology  
Contact Person bd5rv@arrl.net.nospam  
Headline Details: As one of the 50 CubeSats in QB50 project, NJUST-1 will carry one standardized sensor for multi-point, in-situ, long-duration measurements of key parameters and constituents in the largely unexplored lower thermosphere and ionosphere. NJUST are also preparing to participate in GAMANET, which is an ambitious experiment aiming to create the largest network ever in space. NJUST-1 CubeSat will use the network resources to exchange data, either to receive commands from ground or to send telemetry to its ground station, even when it is not directly in range of its ground station. Proposing an S Band GAMANET downlink together with UHF downlink and VHF uplink. **Downlinks on 436.570MHz and 2405-2445MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 27 Nov 2013   Freq coordination completed on 18 Jun 2015

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