IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Solaras S2 Updated: 24 Mar 2025   Responsible Operator Rajarathnam Joseph Marcus VU2VTM
Supporting Organisation Akshath Aerospace Private Limited  
Contact Person aparajith@grahaa.com.nospam  
Headline Details: This is a 1U Cubesat mission to demonstrate cubesat capabilities that can observe solar radiation and transmit along with beacon signal. It is purely for non-commerical purposes as a technology demonstration mission. The CubeSat mission complies with IARU provisions 1.56, 1.57, and 25 by using amateur frequencies for non-commercial purposes, keeping amateur and other mission subsystems separate, and ensuring no interference with other services. 2. Advancement of Amateur Satellite Service: The mission demonstrates small satellite technology for solar radiation observation, promoting amateur satellite use for scientific research, and fostering global participation through open data sharing. 3. Educational Impact: The satellite will serve as an educational tool, offering opportunities for amateur operators to engage with space technology and contribute to real-time mission monitoring and data analysis. 4. Global Amateur Participation: Amateur radio operators worldwide can track the satellite, decode its telemetry, and assist with mission success by providing feedback, contributing to satellite health monitoring, and participating in propagation studies. 5. Data Accessibility: The CubeSat will broadcast a beacon signal and telemetry data that amateur operators can receive, decode, and analyze, actively engaging them in the mission beyond just receiving information. This summary highlights how the mission fosters both technical involvement and global collaboration within the amateur satellite community. Proposing a VHF downlink using 9k6 FSK modulation. Planning a Innospace launch from Alcantara Space Center Brazil in March 2025 into a 500 km 40 degree inclination orbit. **Now planning to include a U/V FM voice transponder in the mission** **Downlinks on 145.925 MHz for transponder and 437.450 MHz for telemetry have been coordinated together with 436.450 MHz for transponder uplink**
Application Date: 10 Nov 2024   Freq coordination completed on 24 Mar 2025

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community