IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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NMHH-1 Updated: 08 Jul 2024   Responsible Operator Levente Dudas HA7WEN
Supporting Organisation Budapest University  
Contact Person dudas.levente@vik.bme.hu  
Headline Details: A 3P Pocketcube mission. Proposing a UHF downlink with a half duplex digital repeater using GMSK modulation at selectable data rates up to 12k5. Also LoRa. Planning an Albaorbital launch on a SpaceX mission in Q4 2025 into a 600 km polar orbit More info at https://ha5mrc.bme.hu/ and https://gnd.bme.hu/
Application Date: 05 Jun 2024   Freq coordination completed on 08 Jul 2024

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community