IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Curium One Updated: 08 Jul 2024   Responsible Operator Emmanouil Sourligkas SV9SFC
Supporting Organisation Libre Space Foundation  
Contact Person manolis@libre.space  
Headline Details: A 12U mission. The project mission is for the satellite to conduct a series of telecommunications related experiments and provide “store and forward” functionality for amateur radio operators around the world. A public dashboard will show the history and nature of radio interactions. The amateur radio store and forward functionality (or frame forwarder) is implemented as a message queue containing a maximum of 256 messages. Each message carries a source and destination callsign, a message up to 128 bytes and a TTL (Time to Live) field. The TTL is the time in seconds that the message should live in the queue before a periodic task of the satellite deletes it. The maximum allowed TTL is one day. In case the queue is full, and a new valid frame is received, the oldest message is deleted. To avoid abuse of the forwarder, there is a frame limit of 1 frame per 5 seconds. Frames that are sent faster than this limit are discarded. The satellite periodically selects up to 10 messages in a round-robin way and broadcasts them. Proposing a UHF downlink using GMSK with data rate 50000 bits/s. The framing scheme for telemetry will be CCSDS with whitening, as specified by the CCSDS 131.0. More detailed information can be found at https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs-comms/satnogs-comms-ctrl/-/tree/curium-1/contrib/missions/curium-1 Planning a launch in July 2024 from Guiana Space Centre into a 585 km, 62 degree orbit on the maiden flight of Ariane 6 launcher. Robusta-3A, ISTSAT-1, GRBBETa, 3CAT4 are also planned to be on the same launch. **A downlink on 436.240 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 23 Jun 2024   Freq coordination completed on 08 Jul 2024

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community