IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Parus-T1 Updated: 27 May 2024   Responsible Operator Randson Huang BV2DQ
Supporting Organisation National Formosa University  
Contact Person Bv2dq.tw@gmail.com.nospam  
Headline Details: This 3U project follows the previous design of NUTSAT CubeSat, and PARUS-T1 is dedicated to receive APRS signals on three major global frequencies: 144.640 MHz, 144.390 MHz, and 144.800 MHz. Record the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) data for each received APRS packet. Utilize a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver to determine the CubeSat's orbit location during signal reception. Store the received APRS data, RSSI values, and corresponding location data in the On- Board Computer (OBC) memory. Transmit the stored data to ground station. Students will also be extensively involved in mission data analysis and will gain hands on experience in understanding ionospheric propagation and its impact on terrestrial and satellite radio communications. The beacon packets shall not be encrypted and made public to the community via websites. Community participation will be encouraged through online leaderboards for example SatNOGS network. PARUS-T1 has an APRS digipeater to provide global amateur activities at the same frequency of ISS APRS channel 145.825MHz. Data format of PARUS-T1 health telemetry and payload raw data will also be published and welcome all amateurs to receive 436.850MHz for packet data of AX.25 protocol on 1200bps. The APRS payload will receiving signal strength RSSI for major 3 global APRS frequency, and data downlink for VHF propagation analysis. Planning a SpaceX launch from Florida NET 1st October 2024 into a 590 x 510 km 98 degree orbit. ** A APRS up and downlinks on 145.825 MHz and a telemetry downlink on 436.850 MHz have coordinated**
Application Date: 01 May 2024   Freq coordination completed on 01 Jan 1970

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community