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IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination |
CASAA-Sat | Updated: 03 Dec 2024 | Responsible Operator | Jean-François Iosca F1LVO | |
Supporting Organisation | Aix-Marseille University – Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille – Nanolab Academy | |||
Contact Person | f1lvo@free.fr.nospam | |||
Headline Details: A 2U CubeSat. ASAA-Sat will insure a Cartography of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) This project is an agreement with the LAM and Aix-Marseille University/Nanolab Academy (AMU/Nanolab Academy agreement signed since 2016), which included this project, since its beginning, as a project with the goal of developing from scratch a nanosatellite only made by students. The CASAA-Sat project involved more than 200 students in multiple specialties, including around thirty in an end-of-term 6-month internship from Masters/Bachelor studies and final year of engineering school. The objectives of CASAA-Sat are to evaluate the radiation dose deposits, which one presume highest above the Brazil in the SAA, correlate them with the local magnetic field and with the predicted apparitions of the auroras at the poles. We can allow, depending on batteries conditions, to build the different measurements (magnetic field, radiation measurements, photo of the poles) with the interested amateur operators to try to better cartography of the whole SAA. It would be possible to welcome at the LAM, within the Student Space Center of Aix-Marseille University, a radio amateur, if he wishes, to check from time to time the TM/TC and share the data received from CASAA-Sat. The collaboration with the radio amateurs, through these requested and collected data, could be a very interesting exploitation of the mission, in the interest of all. This educative project is fully included in Nanolab Academy, which is a student lead nanosatellite development program, that involve many French universities. CASAA-Sat is the Aix-Marseille University project. Radio communications being an integral part of this project, radio amateurs have already contributed with their experience to optimize the ground station on site. The radio amateur’s community will also be welcome to help us to request, collect and process the satellite data, as well as distributing it to the scientific and educational community. We would indeed be happy to share this satellite experience with them. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 BPSK and AX25. Planning a launch through Ride ! - Sky Root from India in Q2/3 2024 into a 600km SSO. More info at https://www.lam.fr/formations/nanosats/ **Now planning a launch from China in Q3 2024 into a 550 km circular orbit at 98 degree inclination** **More information has been requested from the group** **A downlink on 436.500 MHz has been coordinated****Now planning a launch on a KINETICA-1 V6 rocket at the Jiuquan satellite launch center between Dec 20th and Dec 24th 2024** | ||||
Application Date: | 29 Jan 2024 | Freq coordination completed on | 01 Oct 2024 |
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