IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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PROMETHEUS-1 Updated: 15 May 2024   Responsible Operator Alexandre Ferreira da Silva CR7BHG
Supporting Organisation University of Minho  
Contact Person asilva@dei.uminho.pt.nospam  
Headline Details: The PROMETHEUS-1 is a pocketqube design developed under the research project “PROMETHEUS - PocketQube Framework Designed for Research and Educational Access to Space” funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the CMU Portugal Program. The project aims at providing easy access to space for the research and education (R&E) community PROMETHEUS-1 is a small satellite in a 5 cm cube form factor, based on the PyCubed system (an opensource, radiation tested CubeSat avionics platform that integrates power, computing, communication, and attitude determination and control functionality into a single low-cost PC104-compatible module programmable entirely in Python), previously developed by the CMU team (responsible for the PyCubed-1). This means that the entire system is widely available, based on commercial-off-the-shelf components and open-source hardware and software. From the foundation, the proposed platform has all the minimum required conditions to be easily integrated as a tool that facilitates hands-on activities and access to space. But the PROMETHEUS goes beyond that and shares the entire pipeline for the satellite deployment as it will be licensed, certified, and launched, and therefore be then replicated by schools and universities across Portugal and the globe. PROMETHEUS-1 is a research/educational-driven amateur educational mission in the spirit of the amateur satellite service. The low-cost satellite hardware that the mission will demonstrate will be of great value to future low-cost amateur missions. Moreover, this project will serve as a milestone to engage students and researchers to develop space related work, encouraging them become involved in HAMs and even obtain amateur radio licenses. The broader amateur radio community will be involved in the mission via the project website. Proposing a UHF telemetry downlink using LoRa @3 kbps. Planning a SpaceX launch from KSC in late 2023 into a 550km SSO. More info at https://github.com/AFS-pt/PROMETHEUS-1 **More info has been requested from the group***** A downlink on 437.400 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 17 Jun 2022   Freq coordination completed on 14 May 2024

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