IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Maya-5 Updated: 20 Apr 2021   Responsible Operator Angelo Ryan Velasco 4G1EZE
Supporting Organisation STeP-UP University of the Philippines  
Contact Person angelo.velasco@eee.upd.edu.ph.nospam  
Headline Details: Maya-5 (along with Maya-6) is the Philippines second set of nanosatellites developed in-country, with an aim to slowly transition to completely developing the nanosatellites locally. It is a 1U Cubesat developed under the STEP-UP Project with the following missions: 1. APRS digipeater 2. Store-and-Forward 3. Hentenna mission 4. Camera mission 5. On-board Image classification 1. The primary mission of Maya-5 and Maya-6 CubeSats is to provide digital message relay service to the amateur radio community by means of an APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) digipeater onboard. The APRS digipeater onboard the CubeSats will use 145.825 MHz for both receive and transmit. Digipeater’s 145.825 MHz is a standard commercially available frequency used by other satellites such as ARISS and LAPAN-A2. 2. Another mission of Maya-5 is to demonstrate a data/message store-and-forward (S&F) system in line with the Universal Amateur Radio Text and E-mail messaging. In this mission, our aim is to investigate technical challenges through experiments on appropriate data format, multiple access scheme, file-handling protocol while complying with limited operational time and power constraints using the APRS protocol. The transceiver shall implement the traditional APRS using FM/AFSK. These APRS data/messages will be received by our GS network and we will send it to the APRS-IS(Automatic Packet Reporting System, Internet Service) network on the internet. 3. Demonstration of Loop Antenna design using CubeSat structure. 4. The CubeSat will also carry a Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) camera which will take images of the participating countries from space for promotional and educational awareness of the project and to provide tangible proof of operation in space. Measurements and image data will be shared with the public on the project website. 5. The Image Classification Unit (ICU) will examine the images and classify them into predefined categories: Earth and Non-Earth. The output label will be attached to the image as metadata which will be downlinked alongside the image data. The ICU classifies the image based on its content using DSP and machine learning algorithms. Moreover, Maya-5 will expand amateur radio communication experiment on the operation of CubeSat constellation via a network of UHF/VHF amateur radio ground stations (started in BIRDS-1 CubeSat constellation project). Proposing a UHF downlink with CW beacon and 4k8 GMSK and an APRS digipeater downlink on 145.825 MHz. Planning a JAXA deployment from the ISS with Maya6 in 2022. More info from https://stamina4space.upd.edu.ph/ and https://drive.google.com/file/d/13S5qfverzWfTGxLh2BOQcdi9fNwqYC77/view **A downlink on 437.375 MHz and APRS activities on 145.825 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 31 Mar 2021   Freq coordination completed on 01 Jan 1970

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