IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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VIOLET (2020) Updated: 09 Mar 2021   Responsible Operator Brent Petersen VE9EX
Supporting Organisation CubeSat NB  
Contact Person b.petersen@ieee.org.nomail  
Headline Details: CubeSat NB (CNB) is one of the 15 teams in the Canadian CubeSat Project (CCP) created by the Canadian Space Agency. CCP’s goal is to provide student education in space technology. The purposes of the CubeSat NB’s 2U CubeSat, named VIOLET, are student education, educational research also known as technical investigations, radio amateur use, and radio amateur education. Payloads on the satellite will perform the functions described below. The radio amateur purposes of VIOLET include allowing amateurs to communicate with other amateurs around the world in VHF, UHF and S bands as well as motivating the use of the S band amateur radio frequencies. Two communication systems on VIOLET that enable this are the VUB (VHF/UHF Board) and the SCP (SDR (Software-Defined Radio) Communications Platform). VHF is the uplink to the CubeSat and UHF is the downlink to Earth. S band is used both to the CubeSat and to Earth. There are technical investigations which have the overall theme of space weather. There are two mission payloads. One mission payload is called GRIPS (GNSS Receiver for Ionospheric and Position Studies) which will record and transmit raw GNSS observations to be used in the study of Earth’s upper atmosphere. The second mission payload, SASI (Spectral Airglow Structure Imager) records images of the middle and upper atmosphere to capture phenomena that occur here that affect the circulation of the atmosphere and the movement of the energy and constituents.Proposing downlinks on UHF for 1K2 AND 9K6 BPSK AX25 telemetry and FM transponder and on S Band using 4Mbps QPSK or 2 Mbps BPSK or rate adaptive MPSK. Planning a March 2022 deployment from the ISS. More info at https://www.unb.ca/cubesat-radio-info **An uplink for the FM transponder on 145.910 MHz, a downlink on 436.830 MHz and an up and downlinks on 2405.400 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 29 Jul 2020   Freq coordination completed on 09 Mar 2021

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