IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Maya 4 Updated: 05 Oct 2021   Responsible Operator Gladys Bajaro 4I1BBG
Supporting Organisation STeP UP University of the Philippines  
Contact Person gladys.bajaro@eee.upd.edu.ph.nospam  
Headline Details: Maya-4 (along with Maya-3) is the Philippines first set of nanosatellites developed in-country. It is a 1U Cubesat developed under the STEP-UP Project. It has the following missions: ● Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS). The APRS mission aims to provide digital message relay service to the amateur radio community by means of an onboard APRS digipeater. The APRS digipeater shall support exchange of message/packets between two or more hams in the footprint. The digipeater will use a VHF amateur frequency of 145.825 MHz for both receive and transmit. Aside from servicing the amateur community, the system will also be used to identify and investigate challenges to benefit future satellite developers targeting more operational satellite missions. ● Store and Forward (S&F). Using the same hardware for APRS digipeater, Maya-4 will demonstrate a nanosatellite-based remote data collection system. Data from ground sensors will be sent via VHF (145.825 MHz) and stored in the satellite memory. When the satellite passes the STEP-UP Ground Station, the data will be retrieved from the memory and downlinked to the station via UHF. ● Camera Mission. Maya-4 is equipped with thermal camera to cater thermal imaging of the home country. These images will enable students and enthusiasts in remote sensing, and the like. In addition to the missions presented above, Maya-4 aims to contribute to the space science and technology community through in-orbit single event latch-up detection, magnetic field measurements using commercially available anisotropic magnetometer, and in-orbit test of a commercially available GPS chip. Maya-4 will also be used to explore a passive attitude stabilisation mechanism consisting of magnets and hysteresis dampers for orienting the Cubesat.Proposing a VHF APRS downlink and UHF downlink for CW beacon and 4k8 GMSK telemetry. Planning a launch from Tanegashima in July 2020 to the ISS. More info at https://phl-microsat.upd.edu.ph/birds2s **A beacon and telemetry downlink on 437.375 MHz and APRS operations on 145.825 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 09 Dec 2019   Freq coordination completed on 22 Jan 2020

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