IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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AMICal Sat Updated: 23 Sep 2019   Responsible Operator Igor Blinov RK3X
Supporting Organisation UGA-CSUG France & SINP MSU & NILAKT Russia  
Contact Person rw3xl@ya.ru.nospam  
Headline Details: A 2U CubeSat. AMICal Sat is an educational mission which has been developed by UGA-CSUG and MSU-SINP during 30 month. It involved 50 students of different level ad specialties. The goal of AMICal Sat is to take pictures of the Northern light in order to reconstruct the particle precipitation into the polar atmosphere. The payload is a very compact, ultra-sensitive wide filed imager (f=23mm, aperture f/1.4). The images will be public, allowing a large community to get auroral images from space. Satellite control will be done by NILAKT in Kaluga and by ADRI 38 in Grenoble. TM and data downloading will be opened to the radio amateur community after agreement with UGA and MSU using a waiting list. After commissioning more than 50 % of the data and telemetry will be available for radio amateur downloading. Space weather is a domain which has multiple application especially for radio communication. Northern light are one effect of the particles coming from the sun into the atmosphere through the magnetosphere. They are thus a good “tracer” of ionospheric phenomenon. The AMICal Sat proposes to register calibrated pictures of the aurora in order to get the vertical profile of the aurora and to map the part of the auroral oval which will be visible from the satellite. It will give information on the ionosphere state and particle precipitations which can perturb technological systems especially radio communication in these regions. AMICal Sat is a student project leaded by CSUG and MSU. Data will be accessible to the large public. Processing will be done through the support of IPAG especially by a PhD student and intern students from both UGA and MSU. The results of the data processing will be made public. The mission is planned for 1 year extensible to 3 years if the satellite is still working. Mission scenario will be as follow: - One orbit with auroral pictures at the limb (Vertical profiles of the auroras) - One orbit with auroral pictures at the nadir (Mapping of the oval) Data transmission to the ground will be done once a day (At least. Proposing 1k2 AFSK and 9k6 GMSK UHF and 1Mbps GFSK S Band downlinks. Planning a launch from Kourou on 9th September 2019 into a 500 km circular SSO. More info at http://www.sinp.msu.ru/en **Downlinks on 436.100 MHz and 2415.300 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 17 Jul 2019   Freq coordination completed on 01 Jan 1970

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