IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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ARCE-1A/1B/1C Updated: 23 Sep 2018   Responsible Operator Peter Jorgensen KD0LWL
Supporting Organisation University of South Florida College of Engineering  
Contact Person pjorgensen@mail.usf.edu.nospam  
Headline Details: Three identical spacecraft. Mission: inter-satellite networked communications research in support of system autonomy for global communications. Three identical CubeSat satellites will be launched from the same vehicle; upon deployment, they will initiate an automated commissioning process that includes timedelayed deployment of antennas and solar panels, system checks, and low-power crosslinks to the other spacecraft to transfer commissioning reports and estimated orbital parameters. A tunable software defined radio will be flown on the spacecraft to enable multiple communication schemes, from low-data-rate FSK to high-data-rate QAM, to support diverse messaging requirements at any point during a ground pass. Upon successful commissioning, the spacecraft will await contact from the ground station located in Tampa, FL to enter into the primary mission phase where the primary utility is message passing from the ground station in Tampa to either the same ground station (to prove a store-and-forward message handling capability) or to a tobe- determined secondary or mobile station; further, the spacecraft will autonomously determine their orbital state and proximity to the intended targets for any given message, reducing transmissions to only the amount necessary to successfully complete the message delivery. This capability Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Request — Page Rev. 38. 1 August 2017 3 is supported by the novel on-board artificial intelligence that determines when to put the satellite into a specific flight mode (e.g. standby, transmission preparation, fault handling, etc.). This on-board AI system will also manage message routing to optimize message delivery to any point on the globe by means of store-and-forward, crosslink, and optimal energy use scheduling. Communications with the ground station will be operated by undergraduate and graduate engineering students, many who are getting licensed for this specific purpose, and some who are using the spacecraft as a testbed for graduate research concerning antenna and RF system design. Frequency band: 2400-2450MHz for all communications including satellite crosslinks and ground station contacts for message delivery and command and control. Transmit frequency requested: 2400.0-2400.563 MHz; receive frequency requested: 2449.0-2449.563 MHz. The “transmit” frequency will be used for space-to-ground and beacon signals, while the “receive” frequency will be used for ground-to-space signals as well as space-to-space send and receive. Frequency band: 2400-2450MHz for all communications including satellite crosslinks and ground station contacts. Proposing to use Variable Data Rate: 16 kps-256 kbps; Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, FSK, 16QAM, Planning a 2019 launch into a 500km orbit. ** The following frequencies have been coordinated: for uplink and downlink 2417.000 MHz and for crosslink 2449.2815 MHz**
Application Date: 31 Aug 2018   Freq coordination completed on 23 Sep 2018

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