IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Irvine02 Updated: 27 Jun 2017   Responsible Operator Brent Freeze KK6CVB
Supporting Organisation Woodbridge High School  
Contact Person brent.freeze@gmail.com.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U CubeSat - IRVINE02’s will attempt to take and download pictures of the moon and planets for educational purposes. This mission provides the opportunity for high school students to learn about radio technique and get involved in the ham radio community. The communications team, at Woodbridge High School, consists of about 30 students. Students with FCC amateur radio licenses will operate the satellite receiver and transmitter (under the supervision of the licensee, Brent Freeze). Throughout the process of operating the satellite, the students will learn about communication protocols, different types of antennas, radio software, and link budgets. The satellite consists of the following subsystems: 1) Power – solar panels will generate power, which will be stored in a battery. 2) Propulsion – Magnetorquers and an electric thruster will be used to adjust the orbit of the space station. 3) Camera – the camera will be used to take pictures of bright stars and the moon, which will be sent back to the ground station for analysis. 4) Communications – The radio will allow for communication between the ground station and the space station. Commands will be sent from the ground station to the space station, while telemetry data and pictures will be sent from the space station to the ground station. In addition, there will be an experimental LED optical communications for one way communication from the space station to the ground station.Proposing a 9k6 FSK UHF downlink using AX25. Planning a 500km polar orbit on a NASA launch. **A downlink on 437.450 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 30 May 2017   Freq coordination completed on 27 Jun 2017

The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Status pages are hosted by AMSAT-UK as a service to the world wide Amateur Satellite Community