IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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IITMSAT Updated: 17 Feb 2016   Responsible Operator Akshay Gulati VU3AUO
Supporting Organisation Indian Institute of Technology Madras  
Contact Person akshaygulati26@gmail.com.nospam  
Headline Details: Apart from educational objectives of a university satellite project, there is a scientific objective tomeasure the fluxes of charged particles (protons, electrons) in LEO (Low Earth Orbit). During science operations phase, the satellite will generate histograms that specify the number of both these charged particles in each energy band with temporal resolution of 6 secs. The histogram details are: Charged particle type: Energy range | Energy bands Protons: 17-100 MeV | 5MeV Electrons: 1-15 MeV | 1 MeV The payload will also detect sudden increase in particle counts and store them as Particle burst events in high temporal resolution (0.1 sec). These particle bursts events are interesting events and could possibly be a result of precipitation of these particles from Van-Allen belts caused due to electromagnetic coupling with the source being lightning storms, solar flares and seismic activity. The overall purpose of this mission is to understand the extent of this correlation of charged particle burst events in LEO to possible cause of it (if any). This mission will be a complete success if the satellite will be able to generate these histograms for a period of one year and send it to the Earth station. All science data generated by the satellite will be freely available to the scientific community through a website. Planning two UHF downlinks - a 100mw cw beacon and a 1 watt COMTX with GMSK at 19k2. Expecting an SRO launch in Q4 2016. The orbit has not yet been finalised. More info at https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_xbIVlbRZvATDFQSEhwUG5BM1E&usp=sharing ** Downlinks on437.505 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 30 Oct 2015   Freq coordination completed on 23 Nov 2015

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