IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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XS-Sat Updated: 04 Jan 2016   Responsible Operator Garrett Jernigan KJ6ZRH
Supporting Organisation Sonoma State University  
Contact Person jgj@h-bar.com.nospam  
Headline Details: A 1U CubeSat with a UHF 1k2 FSK downlink. The primary purpose of the CubeSat is to train students (~10 students are involved now .More will join later). We hope to: -Launch from the ISS via Nanorack’s service. Demonstrate Gamma Ray astronomy with a CadmiumZincTelluride array. -Test the control of the spin rate with the micro-thrusters. The students at SSU are also building a new control center on campus. We are training the student to operate the control center including the hardware and software to track the CubeSat. We plan for some student team members to get Ham licenses so that they can send commands to the CubeSat.A deployment from the ISS is planned sometime after October 2015. **This coordination has not been completed** ** No info received so presume that the project is not proceeding**
Application Date: 03 Feb 2015   Freq coordination completed on 01 Jan 1970

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