IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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InflateSail Updated: 28 Jul 2014   Responsible Operator Martin Sweeting G3YJO
Supporting Organisation QB50 & Surrey Space Centre  
Contact Person m.sweeting@surrey.ac.uk.nospam  
Headline Details: A 3U In Orbit demonstrator mission as part of the QB50 Constellation. Objectives are as follows A: Technology Demonstration 1: Rapid autonomous commissioning- Given past experience, the space station is prepared to demonstrate advanced autonomous commissioning. B: Technology Demonstration 1: Large deployable sail - The satellite will deploy a large square (3m x 3m) membrane sail. C: Technology Demonstration 2: Inflatable Structural Components - InflateSail is equipped with a 1 m long inflatable rigidisable laminate cylinder, which will be used as a structural component separating the sail and the body of the spacecraft. D: Technology Demonstration 3: Drag deorbiting - The satellite will deorbit much more quickly than otherwise due to its deployable sail. D: Outreach - The satellite will provide beacons which amateur satellite users will be able to receive. Proposing to use UHF downlink with 9k6 RC-BPSK AX25 data format. ** A downlink of 436.060 MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 10 Oct 2013   Freq coordination completed on 26 Jul 2014

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