IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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SUChAI Updated: 15 Mar 2013   Responsible Operator Alex Becerra CA3SBE
Supporting Organisation University of Chile  
Contact Person abecerra@ing.uchile.cl  
Headline Details: SUCHAI is the first project of the University of Chile to launch a satellite built by students. Our project consists of a Cubesat (picosatellite) for educational and scientific purposes. Is our plan to initiate an aerospace program within the EE department at our university. For this purpose, we think that a Cubesat project could help us making a fast and simple introduction of this topic to the students. The simplicity of a project like this has ground on the standardization of the Cubesats components achieved in the last years, its low cost (use of Off-the- Shell Components) and the possibility for us to produce it within relatively short time scales. Even though the main goal is to put in orbit a small satellite which is able to communicate with earth, we would like to take the opportunity to add instruments to run some simple enough scientific experiments. For example, we would like to measure the ionospheric electron density and temperature by means of a Langmuir probe. We also plan to include a small experiment supplied by the Physics Department. In addition, we will also put a payload that includes an optical camera, to take photos of the earth on the visible spectrum, and a GPS for the accurate positioning of the satellite (this last device is subject to approval of a license of operation above the Cocom limits). If the GPS can’t be put in the spacecraft, an algorithm to predict the orbit will be implemented. The communication system has an uplink and downlink channel in UHF band with 1k2 FSK. The downlink mode can be telemetry or beacon. It will send to us the data from the different experiments and payloads and we will be able to send telecommands from our ground station. This device has half duplex communication. No launch has yet been determined.** A frequency of 437.225MHz has been coordinated**
Application Date: 17 Dec 2012   Freq coordination completed on 01 Jan 1970

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