IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Max Valier Sat Updated: 30 Sep 2016   Responsible Operator Andreas Chizzali IN3EHD
Supporting Organisation Istituto Tecnologico (TFO / Technologische Fachoberschule)  
Contact Person andreas.chizzali@gobbz.net.nospam  
Headline Details: A 15kg microsat planned for launch into a 700km SSO from Plesetsk.The first mission is educational and involves two Technical High Schools (TFO) in South Tyrol, Italy. Its aim is to demonstrate the possibility to realize a micro satellite by a team of students and teachers of a High School. The tasks of the two High Schools are the following: 1. Setup of two Ground Stations for communication with the satellite 2. Implementing a simple attitude control strategy which can be understood by High School Students 3. Realizing an Electronic Power Supply for the Satellite 4. Manufacturing the mechanical structures of the satellite 5. Carrying out simple student experiments, such as a small CMOS camera 6. Measuring and Simulating radiation patterns of the employed antennas both in the satellite and in the ground stations 7. To carry out some communication experiments. We are planning to use the following transceivers:  a low power VHF Beacon built by df2fq that emits the identification of the spacecraft in CW at 60 cpm  AstroDev HELIUM (UV/VU at 9600 bd)  ISIS TRXUV (U/V at 1200/9600 bd  Schulze SRS TCM2 at 1200 bd  Schulze SRS TCM3 at 9600 bd The two TFOs are public schools without commercial aims. The second mission belongs to the Amateur Astronomers, an association without commercial aims. The spacecraft carries an X-Ray telescope built by the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Garching, Germany). Its data are to be evaluated by the Amateur Astronomers and to be made available to the public on a website. The goal is to complete an X-Ray map of the space. The third mission is an independent experimental mission carried out by OHB System AG (Bremen, Germany) with the following goals: 1. Receive and demodulate AIS (Automatic Identification System) signals sent by ships to an experimental AIS receiver on the spacecraft MaxValier and retransmit those data to the earth over an S-Band link 2. Testing the behavior of ORBCOMM and IRIDIUM modems in space More information from http://www.gobbz.it/ **Downlinks on 145.860MHz and 145.960MHz have been coordinated** **Now planning a Q2 2106 PSLV launch into a 500km SSO with 0930 LTAN** ** A single beacon on 145.860MHz is now planned and the launch date is advised as June 10th 2016** **The launch has now been confirmed as Nov 2016 on PSLV36 into a 817km high orbit together with VENTA-1**
Application Date: 10 Aug 2012   Freq coordination completed on 22 Aug 2012

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