IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Snuglite-III a & b Updated: 31 Dec 2024   Responsible Operator Changdon Lee DS0ODH
Supporting Organisation Seoul National University  
Contact Person kee@snu.ac.kr.nospam  
Headline Details: (Primary mission) 1. Providing twin LEO CubeSats for amateur radio repeaters and radio training using UHF and S-band. (Secondary mission) 2. Technology demonstration and GPS-RO data collection using twin CubeSats in formation flying based on in-house developed GPS receivers 3. Collecting satellite images of Korea Our CubeSat mission provides twin LEO satellite with amateur repeaters using UHF transceivers. We can design and provide digipeaters that return data packets of AX.25 for all amateur radio operators using UHF half-duplex transceiver of GomSpace. (9600 bps, GMSK) Our CubeSats store the data from GPS receivers as house-keeping data by date. These data can be obtained via satellite beacons and they are also uploaded to the SNUGLITE-III website. Therefore, the results of the technology demonstration, positioning results and measurements from GPS receivers, can be shared with all amateur radio operators and associated students. Satellite images of the Korea taken from CubeSats will be broadcast in the S-band when they pass through South Korea. Image data will be released and collaborated with Korea’s amateur radio operators to receive images. However, due to the power limitation of CubeSats, S-band transmission is planned to be operated only in the vicinity of South Korea, and images will be provided to amateur radio operators from other countries on the SNUGLITE-III website. The communication specification provides information on the SNUGLITE-III website. It will be constantly updated and used on the same website as SNUGLITE-I and II. (https://snuglite1.wixsite.com/website) SNUGLITE-III comprises two separate 3-Unit CubeSats named SNUTLITE-III-A, and -B. Before the launch, they are connected to each other After satellite status check in orbit, they are separated to begin formation flying. Dimension and mass of them are identical as follows: Dimension: 10 cm×10 cm×37 cm, Mass: < 3.6 kg Proposing 9k6 GFSK/GMSK downlinks on UHF and 1M06 DQPSK downlinks on S Band. Planning a deployment into a 600 kmm polar SSO from Naro Space Center together with INHA RoSAT, K-HERO and SPIRONE **Downlinks on 436.460 MHz and 2405.000 MHz for Snuglite-IIIa and 436.788 MHz and 2405.000 MHz for Snuglite-IIIb have been coordinated**
Application Date: 11 Nov 2024   Freq coordination completed on 31 Dec 2024

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