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IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination |
QUBE | Updated: 14 Jul 2021 | Responsible Operator | Roland Haber DO4ROL | |
Supporting Organisation | Zentrum für Telematik e.V. | |||
Contact Person | rolandh@telematik-zentrum.de.nospam | |||
Headline Details: QUBE is a research satellite of CubeSat size (3U). It is developed in a partnership between DLR IKN, ZfT, LMU Munich, and MPL Erlangen and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). QUBE will be performing experiments on quantum key distribution using an optical downlink system. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 FSK. Planning a SpaceX launch into a 575 km SSO in December 2021 Additionally, QUBE will be using a UHF radio for TM/TC as well as for amateur radio experiments and amateur radio education. After the scientific mission has been completed, a digipeater service on board the satellite will be activated, which is open to all radio amateurs. Operational Frequency Band: 435-438 MHZ 5.5 Explain in plain text how your mission(s) complies with provisions no. 1.56, 1.57 and 25 (see Annex 1); how will your mission contribute to the advancement of the amateur satellite service; and how will amateur operators around the globe be able to participate in your mission, besides just receiving the satellite telemetry? QUBE will enable amateur radio communication experiments for our students in Würzburg as well as for the amateur radio community around the world. We have specifically designed a novel UHF antenna that will enable reliable uplink and downlink. The digipeater functionality will be switched on after LEOP. This will allow anyone with the correct equipment to communicate with the satellite individually and allow for testing of amateur radio equipment with an object out in space. Specifically, the challenge of overcoming noise, low power signals and doppler shifts are of particular interest to radio enthusiasts. Our goal is to increase awareness of the amateur radio community and to give everyone the chance to talk to our satellite. During the study courses at the University of Würzburg, special classes will be held in order to prepare new students for the amateur radio exams and for hands-on experience in communicating over long distances. All telemetry and all beacons from the satellite will be receivable by amateur radio and a context of the transmitted data will be provided. Thus, life parameters, such as battery levels and operational temperatures, can be seen by anyone interested. In addition to that, new and exciting data from the quantum payloads as well as our raspberry pie will be transmitted and become available to radio amateurs. More info at www.telematik-zentrum.de **The team has been advised that the IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel has discussed the QUBE coordination request and has problems to assign frequencies for a mainly scientific mission. The panel suggests that you use frequency bands not allocated to the amateur satellite service.** | ||||
Application Date: | 01 Jul 2021 | Freq coordination completed on | 14 Jul 2021 |
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